“Everyone has thoughts like this from time to time,” she comforts herself, not quite registering just how many unexplained late nights he’s been spending at the office. A life that epitomises personal and professional bliss, yet leaves her wanting to grind a cigarette butt into Ed’s bare leg. Throughout, there remains that sly, barely perceptible delight in the wrecking of a life so carefully constructed. When she starts blacking out, things career gruesomely out of control.

Soon come dive bars, shopping sprees, hook-ups with strange men. A tapping noise fills the home she shares with husband Ed a shoplifted lipstick finds its way into her bag she begins smoking again. The incident is followed by other unexplained, out-of-character happenings. Because horrified though she is, Amanda can’t help agreeing with what’s been written about her boss. While that feeling of profound instability propels the novel, it’s accompanied by another: exhilaration. There was no logic, no reason any more,” she explains. “I felt like I had stepped into a bad dream. On his desk sits her proposal for a renovation, but when he thrusts it at her, she finds her words have been replaced by an expletive-laden rant about him. It begins on a Friday afternoon, when narrator Amanda, an architect, is summoned by her boss. When she starts blacking out, things career gruesomely out of control